Saturday, May 14, 2011

Letter from Gary

Hey all,

I think this was sent to the entire department, but it should still be commemorated and remembered forever. So now everyone can see it! It's from Rollefson, in response to a care package we sent over spring break that apparently just arrived.

"Wow! Just in time. What would I do in the desert without a supply of wet
wipes. And it's nice to see that the Pio still has more news than the UB
(although the latter provides the vital information that a "blue LZ Boy
couch - nice and made well" is available for $100 OBO). The two beer coolers
will be especially useful, as will the deck of cards to pass the otherwise
empty time in the afternoons. The beach ball ... hmm, time to start a new
sports league in the eastern desert! The cartoons help to lighten days that
are at present especially hectic (I'm squiring Michael Coe of Maya
archaeology fame around Jordan, and he is high-maintenance). World globe? -
amazing how small the world has become, even though it feels so immensely
distant between WW and Jordan; Sarah Palin was right: I CAN see Russia from
my room now. And whoever sent the flakes and bifaces, yeah, thanks a LOT!
Hundreds of more things to catalog, type, measure, and photograph! God knows
how I'll ever date that assemblage. The gum will be especially handy to
repair cracks in my boots and holes in the water jerry cans. And Carol, I
guess it's you I should thank for the Up! DVD ... now I know what I look
like (I hate mirrors). The chocolate globes were a little messy by the time
the package arrived, but then I can lick cellophane and foil with the best
of them. The Rainbow Monkey bandages will certainly come in handy for the
blisters that will come from using trowels and can openers, and I'll be able
to irritate my co-director greatly, chasing him around with the "Splash Fun
Sea Squirter" water gun. (I might not make it out of the desert alive). One
thing I CAN'T understand is why anyone would send me a corkscrew. The cap.
Yes, the cap is my route to emulate the image of Ernest Hemmingway(okay,
google him for info and images). So much ritual out there, so little time.

For the seniors: I'm sorry I won't be able to see you Frisbee your mortar
boards into the air, but best of luck in the coming year(s) and happiness in
your pursuits. For the rest, enjoy the summer (and fall if you are off
immediately to study abroad), and I look forward to seeing you guys again in
a few months.

Many thanks for your thoughts. And those flakes and bifaces.

Gary" mental image of Gary shooting bifaces with a water pistol while wearing his cap. :D

Monday, April 18, 2011

The 10 most puzzling artifacts

This is awesome. Go archaeology and humans, woot!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Anthro Song!

So I ran into this when I was taking the Anthro Theory class and found it really amusing. I hope everybody else gets some enjoyment out of it.

let me know what you think.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Come to the Lecture this Thursday!!!

Archaeological Institute of America, Walla Walla Chapter presents:

Dr. Rachel Scott, Arizona State University

"Leprosy and Leper Hospitals in Late Medieval Ireland"

Thursday, February 3 at 7:30 PM

Olin 157

Dr. Scott's talk "Leprosy and Leper Hospitals in Late Medieval Ireland," offers a unique opportunity to observe how leprosy was treated by two co-existing medical and social systems, Anglo-Norman vs. Gaelic Irish, as most of the hospitals were largely founded and funded by Anglo-Norman settlers, rather than native Irish.

See you there!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

8 Fictional Archaeologists who sucked at their Job

A funny little page making fun of fictional Archaeologists.

Some fun links

Here are a few links I've found very helpful in finding research for a paper, or even inspiration. The first one can be subscribed to and puts out three emails with article abstracts per week, and it's my favorite for keeping up to date with the archaeology news.